Monday, July 15, 2013

The Trouble With Dreams

My novel-in-progress, The Fracture of a Dream, deals heavily with dreams (as you might guess from the title).  Dreams of the subconscious variety, dreams of sleepers, dreams of one's future goals -- all are fair game in my exploration of life and death.

Overall, we consider dreams to be important, necessary.  Mostly a positive concept to strive for.  That's why there are so many motivational graphics about "chasing your dreams" and "it's better to regret something you did than regret never doing it."  (I'm paraphrasing.)

But you know, dreams aren't always a good thing.

So, to stretch your brains today, I'd like you to complete the following sentence and then work it into a dialogue or passage of your own:

The trouble with dreams is _________.

A few ideas of my own:

  • The trouble with dreams is you wake up at some point.
  • The trouble with dreams is that nightmares are dreams, too.
  • The trouble with dreams is not everyone's can come true.
  • The trouble with dreams is they don't pay your bills.
  • The trouble with dreams is sometimes you can't sleep.
  • The trouble with dreams is they don't come true when you're flat on your back, paralyzed with sleep.
What did you come up with?


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