Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Why "Never Give Up" Is Terrible Advice

​Yes, I'm at it again!

I'm still working on The Fracture of a Dream, so I thought I'd try Camp NaNoWriMo once more as an extra incentive to write every day.​  April's Camp NaNoWriMo was a massive failure for me, and I like to try again and again until I succeed.

Hmm...that must be why I spent my lunch hour playing backgammon until I won.​

(Note: Psychologically, perseverance is not always a good thing.  It's important to know when to cut your losses and give up.  If you're unrealistic in your level of control, i.e., you think you have control over things you do not​ control, you're more likely to persist even when others would have stopped trying.)

​We see this often in our everyday lives, with bad situations that we simply can't change, with jobs that must be done, with people who come into a relationship with their own motives, quirks, and emotional baggage.  Sometimes, we have to make the best of it.  Sometimes, we need to know enough to just leave.

​Keep this little tidbit about perseverance in mind as you read about Dek Sundowner and his adventures.  When should he give up?  When should he keep trying?

And how might this change how his story ends?​

Stay focused (unless you think it's time to give up?),​

Ren D.​

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